The Agricultural Tour of Brazil
  The Agricultural Tour of Brazil
February 4th to February 16th, 2014
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Tour Highlights

For Business:

  • Visit the Canadian Embassy – Presentation on Brazil – overview of Brazilian Ag Industry.
  • Visit to Embrapa Soybean - Soybean Institute
  • Citrus Farm Visit
  • Visit sugarcane farm
  • Visit an Agro Industrial Cooperative
  • Grain farm visits
  • FAEP - Federation of Agriculture of Parana State
  • OCEPAR - Association of Cooperatives of Parana
  • Port visit - Paranaqua Grains Harbour
  • CONAB - National Supply Company
  • Hog Farm visit
  • Experimental Farm at Ponta Grossa State University
  • Cotton Farm visit
  • CEAGESP - The Warehouse Terminal São Paulo – large food market
  • Bom Futuro Farm - Eraí Maggi Seeds Group
  • Agricultural machinery dealership visit

Please note: All technical visits and speakers are subject to change

For Pleasure:

  • Full day at Show Rural Coopavel
  • Iguassu Falls
  • Visit at Itaipu Dam - one of the world’s largest hydroelectric projects
  • Panoramic Train Tour to Morretes
  • Welcome & Farewell Dinners – Traditional Brazilian BBQ
  • Dinner show - Rafain Show - Traditional Brazilian Show
  • CEAGESP market visit